Apollo Bay Tennis Club – AGM 2021
Wednesday, September 1st, 6.00 pm via Zoom
Present: Anna, Tim, Chrissy, Jane, Bruce, Joanne, Amir, Denise, Julian, Graham
Presidents Report
Welcome all. A tough year for tennis with COVID lockdowns however great progress for ABTC.
- All courts now resurfaced thanks to a Federal grant and Colac Otway Shire assistance
- Clubhouse verandah repaired (thanks to the Shire, Jo, Graham & Fez) and repainted by OCC/GORA
- Well done to our juniors for winning their league. First Title for ABTC in about 30 years! Brilliant
- Looks like we will have 2 or 3 junior teams next season plus 2 senior teams. Go Bay!
Presidents Report was approved unanimously
2) Treasurers Report/Summary Accounts
Opening Balance $4,482.94
Income $9,721.17
Less expenses $6,317.18
Total $3,403.99
Closing Balance $7,905.63
Petty Cash on hand $ 66.85
The club is thus in a sound financial position with no need to change subscriptions.
Treasurers Report was approved unanimously
3) Election of Officers
The following were nominated to the committee and elected unopposed
President Anna Dixon
Secretary Tim Cobb
Treasurer Chrissy Holzer
Vice President Jo Harrison
Junior Rep Jane Buckingham
Junior Rep Jules Toussaint
Committee Member Denise Moore
Set subscriptions for 2020/21
It was agreed unanimously that subscriptions for 20/21 will remain unchanged
$50 for adults
$30 for youth members (18 and under)
$10 for junior members (12 and under)
$10 for social members
End of meeting 6.45pm