Apollo Bay Tennis Club – AGM
Monday, August 24th, 7.00 pm via Zoom 2020
Anna Dixon, Tim Cobb, Christine Holzer, Jane Buckingham, Bruce Atkinson, Jo Harrison
Presidents Report
Welcome y'all. Thanks for supporting the re-emergence & world domination of the Apollo Bay Tennis Club.
Since August 2019, our club & committee have achieved impressive results.
Big green ticks for:
ABTC is once again registered to compete in the Polwarth Tennis League. We have 3 Junior teams representing The Bay in Division 2,3 & 4.
As there were only 2 AB peeps able to play the Saturday competition, Bruce A and Anna D joined the Seniors team at Birregurra. However due to AB numbers in this category increasing, it seems likely that the upcoming season will also include a senior AB team = v cool.
Supporting the Netball/Football club with the negotiation and completion of the west court’s resurfacing.
apollobaytennisclub.com is now LIVE!
Grant applications have all been successful, a remarkable achievement led by our tenacious Tim Cobb Thanks too to Terry from Wongarra for his assistance with several time-consuming Council matters. & we also formally acknowledge & unreservedly apologise for any pain or suffering caused; Sexy Terry’ is not an appropriate job title description & will be removed immediately from all new signage.
Another grant application led by Graham C & Jo H resulted in our Heritage Listed(ish) Tennis Clubhouse being repainted. Our Apollo Bay tennis forebears would be royally chuffed.
Applause towards Peter Bourne for creating and installing new signs around the club; most flash.
Thank you. Apollo Bay Tennis Club is GOLDEN
Presidents Report was approved unanimously
Treasurers Report – Chrissy Holzer
The club is healthy financially with income meeting outgoings.
Income and Expenses 1/7/19 to 30/6/20
Opening Balance $3,452.44
Income: Petty Cash Deposit $ 700.00
Subs $ 895.00
Casual play/court hire $ 85.55
Interest $ 4.60
Petty Cash $ 45.00
Total $1,730.15
Expenses Consumer Affairs/Tennis Vic $ 227.00
Balls $ 120.00
Paint $ 200.00
Key cuts $ 29.50
Sanitiser $ 13.00
Toilet Paper $ 7.55
Stationery $ 12.70
Paper Towel $ 2.75
Bank Fees $ 1.60
Total Expenses $ 614.10
Income $1,730.15
Less Expenses $ 614.10
Total $1,116.05
Closing Balance $4,482.94
Petty cash $ 85.55
Balance Sheet as at 30 June 2020
Current Assets
Cash at Bank $4,482.94
Petty Cash $ 85.55
Total Current Assets $4,568.49
Non Current Assets
Clubhouse (at historic cost) $1,000.00
Nets x 4 $ 800.00
Total Non Current Assets $1,800.00
Total Assets $6368.49
Current Liabilities Nil
Treasurer’s report has been reviewed by Secretary and President and was unanimously approved.
Elect Committee for 2020/21
All positions were declared vacant and the following were elected unopposed
President Anna Dixon Proposed Tim 2ndEd Chrissy
Vice President Jo Harrison Proposed Bruce 2ndEd Anna
Secretary Tim Cobb Proposed Chrissy 2ndEdAnna
Treasurer Chrissy Holzer Proposed Tim 2ndEd Bruce
Committee Member Jane Buckingham Proposed Tim 2ndEd Anna
Committee Member Bruce Atkinson Proposed Tim 2ndEd Chrissy
The Club is delighted to welcome Jane to ABTC Committee as our Youth/Junior member rep – particularly as that part of the club is so flourishing.
2. Roles for 2020/21
Anna President plus Adult team,
Jo VP plus Clubhouse refurb completion
Tim Secretary plus Contact with Shire & Netball re court resurface,
Chrissy Treasurer plus Contact for Monday tennis, COVID hygiene supremo
Jane Committee plus Youth/Junior rep and junior team contact
Bruce Committee plus Maintenance man extraordinaire
+ Ian Hamilton Contact for Wednesday tennis
Set subscriptions for 2019/20
It was proposed that subscriptions for 20/21 will be broadly unchanged
$50 for adults
$30 for youth members (18 and under)
$10 for junior members (12 and under) – reduced from $30
$10 for social members
End of meeting 7.45pm